About Me

Nursena Balatekin studied Psychology (English program) at Üsküdar University with a full scholarship and graduated in 2018 as a high honors student. She continued his education at Western Kentucky University in the USA for one period in 2014 and Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Germany for a period in 2016 and completed successfully with the scholarships she received. During her undergraduate education in Germany, she also attended master’s classes and assisted in the research. She received a research scholarship from University College London and a graduate scholarship from Sussex University. She was on scholarship and received her master’s degree in clinical psychology from Bahçeşehir University. She completed her learning analysis in 2021 and became an analyst. She is the author of the Turkish book titled ‘Sizi Buraya Ne Getirdi?

She did an internship at Hospital de la Paix, NP Brain Hospital, a rehabilitation center, center for the disabled, elementary and secondary schools, and nursing homes. During his undergraduate education, she worked as an assistant in her department and instructor in different departments. She participated in various qualitative, and national-international research, and worked as an assistant and coordinator. Nursena Balatekin, who gives importance to multidisciplinary studies, has been a participant in many national and international conferences, training, workshops, and congresses both within and outside the field. She has been a member of the organizing committees. She worked as a research assistant and coordinator in a post-colonial research center. Also, she led field research in Turkey and abroad and then, published the results in academic journals. During her undergraduate education, she provided mentoring and consultancy services to primary and high school students. With the scholarship provided by the European Union, she received training in Hungary to use playing for individuals and groups. Between 2017 and 2020, he took part in the management of Kaşif Education Mentorship Institution and worked as a corporate psychologist. She worked as a psychologist at the Content Association for Children between 2020-2021. She is one of the founders of the 23 Talent Association. He currently provides consultancy to various projects and institutions. As an analyst, she carries out the learning analysis process and provides training to experts in her field.

Nursena Balatekin is actively involved in voluntary work, projects, and social responsibility projects. She has volunteered at Global Aktivne (NGO). She conducts weekly workshops with a team of high school students since 2016, in Turkey, İstanbul. In 2018, she voluntarily worked in cooperation with the PEN academy and the British IOFC Association on the project of harmonization of Syrians to society, and education of educators, by providing psychosocial support to Syrian refugees in Hatay and its region.

She offers psychotherapy in Turkish and English.


Merter, M., Balatekin, N., Sogutlu, L. (2023). A Short Introduction to Ilm Al Nafs and Nafs Psychotherapy: The Language of Dreams. Clinical Applications of Islamic Psychology, Int’l Association of Islamic Psychology 211-227.

Özdoğru, A. A., & Balatekin, N. (2018). Neuromyths as a challenge and opportunity for the learning and teaching of neuroscience. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 7, 483-494. https://doi.org/10.30703/cije.457302

O’Donnell, M., Nelson, L. D., Ackermann, E., Aczel, B., Akhtar, A., . . .Balatekin, N.., . . . Zrubka, M. (2018). Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg (1998). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13, 268- 294. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691618755704

Özdoğru, A. A., & Balatekin, N. (2017, October). Neuromyths: A challenge for learning and teaching neurosciences. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, Antalya, Turkey.

Balatekin, N., Arslan,Yasin. (2017). Saraybosna’da Kimlik Üzerine: Bosna Halkının Aidiyet Duygusuna Dair Dinamikler. Avrasya Dosyası Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Stratejik Araştırmalar 1(10). (Turkish)

Keskin Aksay, N., Kaptaner, A., Balatekin, N., Elgün, R., & Daşdemir, Ü. (2015). Putting Yourself into Someone’s Shoes: A Postcolonial Analysis About Shoe Wearing Practices And Representations. Üsküdar University Journal Of Social Sciences, 1(1), 87-118.


Balatekin, N., Alpay, Ş (2020, March). Influences of Social Media on an Individual. Galatasaray University, İstanbul, Turkey.

Balatekin, N., Alpay, Ş., (2019, March). Influences of Social Media on an Individual. Galatasaray University, İstanbul, Turkey.

Balatekin, N. (2018, November). Replication Studies in Psychology and Contributions from Turkey.

20th National Congress on Psychology, Panel discussion, Ankara, Turkey.

Balatekin, N., Arslan, Y., (2017, April). Field Work in Bosnia and Herzegovinia. Uskudar University, İstanbul, Turkey